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 Ben Liebrand - Grand 12 Inches Vol.6 - 4CD

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Cantidad de envíos : 93
Fecha de inscripción : 27/07/2009
Edad : 45

Ben Liebrand - Grand 12 Inches Vol.6 - 4CD Empty
MensajeTema: Ben Liebrand - Grand 12 Inches Vol.6 - 4CD   Ben Liebrand - Grand 12 Inches Vol.6 - 4CD Icon_minitimeVie Jul 31, 2009 8:04 pm

Ben Liebrand - Grand 12 Inches Vol.6 - 4CD Cc645ef027d5

Genre : Pop
Playtime : 04:56:34
Size : 456.MB

CD 1 (Great Stuff)

01 Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes (Annihilation) 9:10
02 Grace Jones - I'm Not Perfect (But I'm Perfect For You) (Ben Liebrand Remix) 6:53
03 Hall & Oates - I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do) Extended Version) 6:13
04 Wings - Goodnight Tonight (12” Version) 7:18
05 Propaganda - P Machinery (Polish) 9:22
06 Sparks - Beat the Clock (Extended Version) 6:56
07 Tom Tom Club - Genius of Love (Long Version) 7:28
08 Flash & the Pan - Midnight Man (Extended Version) 6:59
09 Depeche Mode - Just Can't Get Enough (Live Version) 5:42
10 Art of Noise - Beat Box (Diversion One) 8:33

CD 2 (Great and funky stuff)

01 Earth, Wind & Fire - Serpentine Fire (12” Promo Version) 5:01
02 the Jacksons - Blame It On the Boogie (12” Version) 6:57
03 the Three Degrees - Dirty Ol' Man (12” Version) 8:19
04 the Players Association - Turn the Music Up! (12” Version) 6:52
05 Deniece Williams - I've Got the Next Dance (Special Disco Version) 6:23
06 the Whispers - It's a Love Thing (12” Version) 5:10
07 Poussez! - Come On And Do It (Original 12” Version) 9:53
08 Kano - I’m Ready (12” Version) 7:16
09 Philadelphia International Allstars - Let’s Clean Up the Ghetto (12” Version) 8:40
10 Harlow - Take Off (12” Version) 10:17

CD 3 (Funky and Soulfull stuff)

01 Shalamar - My Girl Loves Me (Original 12” Remix) 6:52
02 Peter Brown - Do Ya Wanna Get Funky With Me (Full Length Version) 8:46
03 Alisha - Baby Talk (Special Remix By Shep Pettibone) 6:46
04 Vaughn Mason & Crew - Bounce, Rock, Skate, Roll (Part 1) 7:33
05 Loleatta Holloway - Crash Goes Love (12” Blaster Mix) 7:26
06 Joe Smooth - Promised Land (Club Mix) 5:12
07 Cuba Gooding - Happiness Is Just Around the Bend (12” Version) 7:02
08 Nairobi Ft the Awesome Foursome - Funky Soul Makossa (Rap Version) 7:31
09 Poussez! - Never Gonna Say Goodbye (Original 12” Version) 7:53
10 Dimples D - Sucker DJ's (I Will Survive) (Original 1983 12” Version) 5:02
11 Dimples D - Sucker DJ’s (Suckapella) (Orginal 1983 Acappella) 3:44

CD 4 (The Stuff that dreams are made of Stuff)

01 Dan Hartman - We Are the Young (Club Version) 6:54
02 Joyce Sims - Come Into My Life (Club Version) 8:22
03 Flash & the Pan - Waiting For a Train (Extended Version) 7:18
04 Miquel Brown - Close To Perfection (12” Version) 8:18
05 Georgio - Bed Rock (Clubmix) 6:11
06 Dolly Dots – Ps (12” Version) 6:53
07 Vin Zee - Funky Bebop (12” Version) 6:52
08 Rebbie Jackson - Centipede (Extended Version) 5:55
09. art of Noise - Close To the Edit (12” Edited Mix) 5:42
10 Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard (Young Person’s Guide To the 12” Mix) 10:05

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